Do you know the biggest financial threats you are facing right now?

Creative Planning Strategies
Do you know the biggest financial threats you are facing right now?
Creative Planning Strategies

3D Wealth™ Strategies

There are many good financial ideas that make sense in a traditional, one-dimensional view of money.  The 3D Wealth™ approach harnesses the science of money to measure virtually everything that is going on – or that could go on – with your money.

Every 3D Wealth™ strategy starts with evaluating your present plan using your own assumptions about how various asset classes will perform over time.  Then we explore whether there are more efficient ways to utilize the same money you are already investing.

3D Wealth™ strategies strive to:

  • Require no additional out-of-pocket outlays.
  • Introduce minimal – and often no – additional financial risks.
  • Provide greater protection against creditors, including taxing authorities and disgruntled ex-spouses (utilizing trusts from your estate attorney).*
  • Offer better safeguards against estate and gift taxes without requiring you to use your annual gifts or lifetime exemptions (utilizing documents from your estate attorney).*
  • Generate tremendous financial flexibility to adapt to current and future economic conditions and your evolving goals and objectives.
  • Create a completely new asset class – the “net death benefit” – that generates substantial additional net spendable wealth for you without causing any negative impact to your heirs. 3D Wealth™ strategies can actually bring life insurance to life.

Each individual 3D Wealth™ strategy is unique. Our time-tested core concepts have been implemented by many of our wealthy – and ultra-wealthy – clients. Here is a sampling:

  • Private Estate Plan with Income (PEPI)sm : PEPIsm is a dynamic, multi-faceted strategy that achieves several objectives simultaneously.  While implementing life insurance protections, it also provides robust estate planning, generates significant retirement income and creates a substantial legacy for multiple generations.  PEPI plans involve multiple disciplines and are implemented in close collaboration with our clients’ other advisors, including estate planning attorneys, CPAs and other financial professionals.*
  • Charitable 3D Wealth™ Strategy (C/PEPIsm): C/PEPIsm  provides all of the benefits of PEPIsm, but is especially designed for those who are deeply committed to supporting specific charitable organizations. Using C/PEPIsm clients can increase their annual living gifts considerably while also substantially enhancing their charitable legacies with no negative impact to their heirs.  As a matter of fact, a prestigious university planned giving department is collaborating with CPS to offer C/PEPIsm  as an exciting new planning structure for its donors.
  • Leveraged Whole Lifesm: This strategy provides a unique way to solve the ultimate lost opportunity cost of having to choose one investment over another. It was designed for those who have proven high net yield on the majority of their invested assets, but whose assets may not always be liquid.  This typically includes real estate investors and developers, owners of closely-held businesses, and hedge fund operators and managers. The strategy is far more flexible and efficient than traditional premium finance structures.  It significantly reduces the role of institutional lenders and allows the client to retain more control and leverage the policy’s cash value into any preferred investment.

* Creative Planning Strategies does not provide legal or tax advice. We collaborate with your current financial, tax and legal advisors when required. 

“Scott is very unique, he is very authentic.  It’s very difficult in the super competitive New York marketplace for somebody to distinguish themselves. Scott does that through a combination of persistence, knowing his stuff and this extra, philosophical component where he gets you thinking about money and finances differently. The more time one invests in that relationship, the more you realize how authentic, unique, and one-in-a-million he is.”

Michael P. Beys, Esq.
Managing Partner
Beys Liston & Mobargha LLP

Creative Planning Strategies

Michael P. Beys, Esq.
Managing Partner
Beys Liston & Mobargha LLP

“Scott is very unique, he is very authentic.  It’s very difficult in the super competitive New York marketplace for somebody to distinguish themselves. Scott does that through a combination of persistence, knowing his stuff and this extra, philosophical component where he gets you thinking about money and finances differently. The more time one invests in that relationship, the more you realize how authentic, unique, and one-in-a-million he is.”
Creative Planning Strategies
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