Do you know the biggest financial threats you are facing right now?

Creative Planning Strategies
Do you know the biggest financial threats you are facing right now?
Creative Planning Strategies


Marketing Strategy and Content:
Steven Skyles-Mulligan, Evoke Strategies Ltd.

Design and Production:
Lynn Amos, Fyne Lyne Ventures

Photos of Scott Silbert:
Sami Toledo Silbert, lOMI

None of the named parties and their companies are affiliated with HTK and Creative Planning Strategies.

“Scott consistently demonstrated how effective his strategy could be for me. He allowed me to understand how I could really have it all; the protection and the savings that I was looking for at the same time. He provided me with strategic recommendations that held up to every analysis that I put them through.”

Paul Becht, CPA
Margolin, Winer & Evens, LLP
Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors

Creative Planning Strategies

Paul Becht, CPA
Margolin, Winer & Evens, LLP
Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors

“Scott consistently demonstrated how effective his strategy could be for me. He allowed me to understand how I could really have it all; the protection and the savings that I was looking for at the same time. He provided me with strategic recommendations that held up to every analysis that I put them through.”
Creative Planning Strategies
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